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1. Generalities

 1.1 The Municipality of Bagnoregio and the Musical Association “Musicopaideia” organize a Course Series for Summer 2022. The Courses are open to all music lovers, with no age limit, be they professional, advanced students or amateurs interested in enhancing their musical skills and technical proficiency for public performance, auditions, or for the sheer enjoyment of music on a higher level. The organization will comply with the standards for COVID-19. 


1.2 The Courses will be held in: Bagnoregio (VT), Auditorium Taborra.


1.3 The following Courses are offered:


    Date               Instrument                                           Teacher

    23.08 – 27.08 Singing, Vocal Chamber Music          Monica Benvenuti

                           Contemporary repertoire


2. Application Procedure

2.1 Application deadline is August 10th, 2022.

2.2 To be accepted to attend the courses, the Applicant has to send via mail to the following documents:

-  the  Application Form duly filed ad signed;

-  a copy of the Applicant’s passport (or other recognition document);

-  proof of payment of the Registration fee.

2.3 Applications only become valid as of the date of receipt of such documentation. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

 3. Tuition Fees

3.1 The Tuition Fees  are composed of:

a)  a Registration Fee of 90 EUR.

The Registration Fee is reduced to 80 EUR for Applicants, who are already members of the Musical Association “Associazione Musicopaideia” 2022.


b) a Course Fee, depending on the course: please contact us 

    Date               Instrument                                           Teacher                       Fee

    23.08 – 27.08 Singing, Vocal Chamber Music          Monica Benvenuti    200,00 euro

                           Contemporary repertoire



 3.2 Course Fee reductions are available for Applicants who wish to attend more than one course. Such Applicants are kindly requested to contact the Organizers ( before starting the Application Procedure. The reductions will be determined by the Organizers, case by case, taking into account the number and type of courses chosen by the Applicant.

 Payment of Tuition Fees

4.1 The Payment of the Registration Fee must be made by bank transfer, free of charges for the recipient, to the following bank account:

-  Associazione Musicopaideia,  Bank Code  IT29 A 08327 03221 000000004228

The Applicant shall indicate in the Memo text “Registration Fee”, his own name and surname. Proof of the payment of the Registration Fee must be sent via mail to within August 10th, 2022.

4.2 The Course fee is paid by all Participants upon arrival in Bagnoregio, within 3 days from the start of the attended Course.

 5. Listeners

5.1 People who are interested and not enrolled in courses can attend all classes as listeners by acquiring a “listener card” of 50 EUR.

6. Course Cancellations/Changes

6.1 The Organizers  reserve the right, should a teacher be prevented from attending, to provide a comparable substitute at its own discretion or to cancel the course. Should a course be completely cancelled, all paid fees will be reimbursed to the Applicants.

6.2 The Organization will immediately advise the Applicants of any course change/cancellation.

 7. Withdrawal from participation

7.1 All withdrawal requests must be communicated by e-mail (

7.2 If the withdrawal request is received more than 30 days before the start of the Courses, the Tuition Fees will be reimbursed. A cancellation fee of EUR 10 will be retained.

7.3 If the withdrawal request is received less than 30 days  before the start of the courses, no refund is provided.

 8. Absences

8.1 No reductions or refunds will be made to participants who are absent from courses.

 9. Attendance Certificates and Final Concert

9.1 All Active Participants who have attended courses will be granted a Certificate of Attendance.

9.2 At the end of Courses a Final Participants’ Exhibition will be held: adequate dress code is required.

9.3 The Organizers reserve the possibility to promote the participation of the best Students of the Master Classes to the events and concerts of the “Festival di Musica Classica. Note tra I Calanchi”.

 10. Miscellaneous

10.1 Students enrolled in classes of string or wind instruments are required to take with them their own music stands.

10.2 The  Organization will put at disposal of the Students  enrolled  in the Piano Master Classes  a piano for a minimum of two hours per day.

11. Rights of utilization

11.1 The Organizers and their contractual partners are entitled to produce film-, video-, photo- and recording material about Courses. Photos and film-, video- and recording materials may be published without any restriction regarding time, place or technique and may be recorded on any kind of technical object. It may be duplicated, diffused, rented and broadcasted in radio, television, notably in regard to online and mobile techniques, with any kind of present or future technical procedure.

 12. Liability

12.1 The Organizers will not be responsible or liable to Participants for any other loss or damage that Participants or any third party may suffer during the courses.

 13. Terms & conditions acceptance.

13.1 Enrolment to the courses implies full acceptance of these General Regulations.

13.2 The English version of the General Regulations  is a convenience translation. In case of differences between the Italian and English versions, the Italian wording shall be decisive.
13.3 Participants waive all rights to initiate legal proceedings against the Organizers.

 14. Privacy Policy

14.1 The Organizers shall comply with all applicable Italian data protection legislation.

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